I have to wonder if I am one of the only Rogue fans almost sick with anxiety over the new X-Men Legacy coming out next week. Probably not.
I get that it's just a comic and I get that the storyline is pretty much set in stone at this point. But I think it's kinda like watching a friend make a really bad choice and not being able to say anything about it.
I have been reading comics for 15 years now. I first fell in love with Rogue when I was 7 years old watching X-Men: The Animated Series. I'm from a small town with no comic book stores, so the first time I ever picked up a comic book I was 11 years old and at the corner store, looking to spend some hard earned bottle depot refunds on candy, when I came across Uncanny X-Men #341 -

Missing the television series, which by this time had been cancelled for a few months, I quickly flipped through the comic book in the store and saw this amazing artwork featuring Rogue and instead of loading up on candy that day, I bought my very first comic book. Ever since then I have been in love with the Rogue of the comic book world. Of course, at that point in time there was a strange love triangle set up involving Rogue, Joseph & Remy, but always I felt Rogue should be with Remy.
But it's not even that I'm a hardcore ROMY fan (which I most certainly am), it's just this connection Rogue seems to have with this older, slightly creepy, somewhat of a jerkwad man bothers me. I just plain don't like Magneto. It wasn't so bad when it was just Rogue with her little girl crush and he just ignored her, but now he's this old and angsty guy chasing after a girl the same age (maybe younger?) than his own daughter. Bleh >.<
I would rather see Rogue with Iceman or Cannonball or even Pyro (you know, if he wasn't dead). But with this "offer" that the previews are eluding to, I find myself thinking it could be the worse case scenario for a fan like me: a marriage proposal.
The reason for all the anxiety I think stems from the fact that I just got back into the story line after a year long hiatus and I seriously don't know if I could continue reading if this is the case and Rogue says yes. I dunno, maybe I'm just being too sensitive about the story line, I mean it's not like there hasn't been bad story lines and horrible character depictions before. And it's not like I haven't gotten through them before either. So maybe I'll get through this one as well.
I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who feels this way about the strange relationships Rogue is involving herself in right now. I'm also pretty sure I won't be the only one going through old comic books to reread favorite story lines in order to get through the next few comic books until the Marvel Now! relaunch.