Sunday, September 30, 2012

Uncanny X-Men #173

Issue: The Uncanny X-Men Vol. 1 #173

Publishing Date: September 1983

Highlights: Rogue goes with Wolverine to find the Silver Samurai and ends up saving Wolverine and Mariko from Viper, but critically wounding herself in the process.

Synopsis: While trying to find Mariko’s half-brother, the Silver Samurai, Wolverine and Rogue realize that they have been tricked and rush back to the hospital, where Viper and the Silver Samurai are really planning their attack. When they get there Rogue takes out Viper and her ninjas and Wolverine battles with the Silver Samurai. Right before killing the Silver Samurai, Mariko begs Wolverine to spare his life, giving Viper the opportunity to shoot at Mariko and Wolverine. Rogue flies in and shoves Wolverine and Mariko out of the way, sacrificing herself for Mariko. Viper’s weapon explodes and she leaves before anyone can react. Wolverine rushes back, offering Rogue his powers in order to save her. In the end, Wolverine and Mariko do not get married, Mariko stating that Wolverine is not worthy.

Extra Info: Shown that knives/sharp objects don’t seem to penetrate Rogue’s skin. Rogue refers to Wolverine as “Wolvie” throughout the entire issue.

Contradictions: None

Powers Taken: Wolverine

Key Issue: Yes

Dazzler #28

Issue: Dazzler Vol. 1 #28

Publishing Date: September 1983

Highlights: Rogue tries to best Dazzler in one final attack on her.

Synopsis: In the middle of a blackmailing scam and trouble with the police, Dazzler is once more attacked by Rogue, who is determined to beat Dazzler once and for all. Dazzler leads a chase and Rogue follows, but Dazzler beats Rogue in the end and takes her to be turned into the authorities.

Extra Info: Should be read between Dazzler #24 and Uncanny X-Men #170

Contradictions: Rogue never goes to jail

Powers Taken: None

Key Issue: Yes

Uncanny X-Men #172

Issue: The Uncanny X-Men Vol.1 #172

Publishing Date: August 1983

Highlights: Rogue intends to prove herself to the X-Men by helping Wolverine.

Synopsis: The X-Men travel to Japan for Wolverine’s wedding. His fiancée, Mariko, has inherited her family’s business, which is deeply tied to the crime lords of Japan. While one local tries to watch over Wolverine and Mariko, another sets out to destroy them. Viper poses as a maid while Mariko is out and poisons the X-Men’s tea, leaving them incapable of helping Mariko. Storm doesn’t drink the poison and goes to save Mariko from Mariko’s half-brother, The Silver Samurai. While the other X-Men recover from the poison and Storm recovers from her wounds, Wolverine and Rogue set off to set things right and get rid of the Silver Samurai.

Extra Info: Rogue says she is part alien (due to Ms. Marvel’s psyche), so poison doesn’t work as well on her as it would on regular people.

Contradictions: None

Powers Taken: None

Key Issue: Yes


Friday, September 28, 2012

Snipet from Axel-In-Charge: Featuring Rick Remender

Full story at CBR

Looking at "Uncanny Avengers," we've heard so much that this is the book that couldn't exist without "AvX" happening first. What was the #1 lesson or the #1 condition that event gave you that impacts how you do this book from page 1 on?

Remender: The healing aspect of it. Given that you've got two bands of heroes charged with protecting earth and humanity. That's their bottom line. It's what they're here to do. They've had a war, Charles Xavier is dead, and there are all sorts of emotional problems going on. If these guys don't behave like ethical, strong people and heal in a public way, things aren't going to get better. I think things have gotten much worse for mutant relations in the Marvel U. They've been hunted down, and then Wanda reduced them to 200. This is an opportunity for Steve Rogers to do what he didn't do before and spur on an effort to put a public spin on mutants that's positive.
When you see the day saved by Thor, Havok and Rogue, it sends a message that we're all in this together. It creates unity and helps heal the rift that "AvX" left. That's not going to be easy. I think that the wonderful stuff in "AvX" means that it's just as fun to watch those guys heal as it was to watch them break down.

Alonso: I think you'd be hard pressed to find a book that deals with the legacy of Charles Xavier more than “Uncanny Avengers.” And you won't find a more "Oh $#!%!" final page of a first issue this year. Quote me on that. Oh, you already are. Put it in bold italics. [Laughter]

In the makeup of this team, we've got some very obvious faces for the team like Cap or Rogue, but there are also some people who of late have been a bit more far afield from either franchise such as Havok. As you were choosing the team, what drew you to the cast that made them representative of either the X-Men or the Avengers?

Remender: It was a huge conversation with Tom [Brevoort] and Axel. We went over the pros and cons of every character, and it really came down to the character’s fiber. We went through their fiber and who they are and why they'd be on this team. Some of them might not really belong on this team, but through the chaotic events that bring them together, they're forced to find a way. Therein lies character arcs and drama. I looked a lot at what their interpersonal dynamics would be.
Knowing that coming out of "AvX" Scott Summers would no longer be the same character as he was and that since he went a little more "Magneto" and dark that Charles was dead, I really fell in love with the idea that Cap turns to Scott's brother and says, "Alex, Charles is gone. Scott is gone. Somebody's got to step up, and you've got time working with the government in X-Factor. You're a student of Xavier. You're a clean-looking guy and a college graduate. You've led a number of teams. This is you. This is where you've got to stand up." And Alex has always been a bit of a black sheep, but he's also one of my favorite X-Men. He was #1 of my list not just because of the context of why he works in the situation but also because I love that he's the classic younger brother. Even though he wasn't aware of Scott his entire life, as soon as he was, the dynamic they had was that Scott was the respected field marshall while Alex was the guy who was mostly off in the fringes. I love taking a character like that and putting him to the forefront where he leads a squad of Avengers whose job it is to clean up mutant/human relations.


Full story on Newsrama

So many amazing variants! Here are some of Campbell's variants for the Marvel Now! relaunch:

Uncanny Avengers
All New X-Men attached to The Uncanny Avengers
All New X-Men, Uncanny Avengers & Avengers all joined

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Uncanny X-Men #171

Issue: The Uncanny X-Men Vol.1 #171
Publishing Date: July 1983
Highlights: Rogue leaves the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and joins the X-Men.
Synopsis: Rogue comes to the X-Men looking for help from Professor Xavier. Professor Xavier listens to her pleas, but tells his X-Men to leave while he hears Rogue out due to their outrage that she is even at the mansion. The X-Men head to the danger room to blow off some steam, but when Illyana programs the room she is shocked to see her former tormentor from another dimension. Illyana freaks out and the X-Men retire to their rooms until Xavier calls for them to return. Professor Xavier announces that he believes Rogue is sincere and that she will not only be accepted to the school, but will also be a part of the X-Men, this is met by heavy objections from the rest of the team. In the middle of this, Binary (aka Carol Danvers) returns to the mansion and attacks Rogue upon seeing her. The X-Men stop Binary, but she cannot accept Rogue as an X-Men and leaves.
Extra Info: Xavier is unable to read Rogue’s mind due to the alien psyche that Rogue absorbed from Ms. Marvel.
Contradictions: None
Powers Taken: None
Key Issue: Yes

Uncanny X-Men #170

Issue: The Uncanny X-Men Vol.1 #170

Publishing Date: June 1983

Highlights: Rogue runs away from her home and Mystique and Destiny.

Synopsis: While Cyclops romances a new love interest in his life in Alaska, the X-Men fight for their lives and the freedom of their teammate, Angel, in the tunnels beneath New York. With Kitty in critical condition, Storm challenges Callisto for leadership of the morlocks. Storm wins by stabbing Callisto through the heart. Storm, now leader of the morlocks, leaves with the X-Men.

Extra Info: Suggestions that Rogue has not left of her own free will.

Contradictions: None

Powers Taken: None

Key Issue: No

Dazzler #24

Issue: Dazzler Vol. 1 #24 

Publishing Date: February 1983 

Highlights: Rogue seeks out Dazzler in order to prove to Mystique that Dazzler holds the key to finding Angel, and in turn, the X-Men. 

Synopsis: In Manhattan, Rogue breaks into Dazzler’s apartment. When she finds that the Dazzler is not home, she decides to trash the apartment and wait for her to return, but a neighbor tips Dazzler off and she calls up Power-Man and the Iron Fist. They fight Rogue, but she flies off. Later that week she confronts Dazzler at the University where Dazzler’s half-sister attends and a battle ensues in the library. Rogue gets beaten by Power-Man and Iron Fist, but Dazzler calls them off to try to talk some sense into Rogue. She tells Rogue the X-Men are dead and asks Rogue to leave to leave both her and Angel alone. Rogue decides to leave and return to Mystique and Destiny to regroup. 

Extra Info: Rogue admits that she has wanted to absorb Dazzler’s powers since she found out about them. 

Contradictions: None 

Powers Taken: Dazzler,

Key Issue: Yes

Dazzler #23

Issue: Dazzler Vol. 1 #23

Publishing Date: January 1983

Highlights: The Brotherhood sits back and decides not to strike at that moment, even though Rogue feels differently and wants to get back at Dazzler for foiling her plans right away.

Synopsis: A fire in Dazzler’s building wakes her and her half-sister. They escape, but Dazzler is convinced the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants is after her. Dazzler hires two super powered body guards, Power-Man & Iron Fist, but she is attacked again when her studio burns down. She finds out that the fires are not being set by the Brotherhood, but rather was an insurance scam set up by her landlord, which she foiled. The arsonist takes Dazzler captive, planning on burning her in the middle of a building he is about to torch. Dazzler fights him and Power-Man & Iron Fist come to her rescue.

Extra Info: No

Contradictions: No

Powers Taken: None

Key Issue: No

Dazzler #22

Issue: Dazzler Vol. 1 #22 

Publishing Date: December 1982

Highlights: Rogue attacks Angel and Dazzler on their way to the Xavier Mansion. 

Synopsis: Angel goes to visit Dazzler, who is cutting her first record, in Manhattan only to be attacked by trained hawks. He thwarts the hawks but doesn’t know why they were sent to attack him. Dazzler, looking for someone to talk to goes out with Angel for a flight to the Xavier Mansion, only to be followed by the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. The Brotherhood attacks Angel and Dazzler, but they beat them and get away, stealing the Brotherhood’s transport while doing so. 

Extra Info: Any empathy for humanity taken from Rom seems to have disappeared from Rogue’s demeanor.  

Contradictions: Rogue claims she has never taken a power with a physical form, however she has taken both Wolverine and Hybrid’s powers so far, both containing physical aspects to them. 

Powers Taken: None 

Key Issue: Yes

Rom Spaceknight #32

Issue: Rom Spaceknight Vol. 1 #32

Publishing Date: July 1982

Highlights: Rom, Spaceknight and an alien creature named Hybrid battle over the fate of the world and Rogue.

Synopsis: Rom continues to chase after Hybrid and Rogue, Mystique and Destiny. When he finds them, Rogue attempts to absorb his powers, but only manages to stop both them into shock. While Hybrid and Rom fight, Destiny sees what Hybrid intends to use mutant women for if he rules the earth. Rom and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants combine their forces and defeat Hybrid. 

Extra Info: Rogue kisses Rom and she feels a form of empathy she has never felt before.

Contradictions: None

Powers Taken: Rom, Hybrid

Key Issue: Yes

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

X-Men Legacy #274 - Rogue Shots

*Spoiler ahead, maybe...*

And all the anxiety I've been feeling this week just melts away.

To be fair, although I expected the worse, I guess Marvel was trying to set everyone up to think that a marriage proposal was going to happen. So of course that couldn't happen, nope.

Instead, a break up. An open ended break up, as they always are in the comic book world, but a break up none the less. Even if Rogue doesn't get back with Gambit, I'm just kinda happy to see her trying to do what she wants and not what she thinks other people want. I guess that's what this whole issue was about. Rogue feeling empathy towards this dying man who just wanted to do what was right for himself in his life.

In the end the whole decision to be with Magneto and try to start a relationship makes sense when you think about it how Rogue explains it while breaking up with him. She was expected to just follow everyone's orders all her life and although she was free to make her own choices, she never did. After she was in control of her powers, and in essence, control of her life, it was logically expected for her to just end up with Gambit. Instead she pushed the other way. Even if she wanted to be with him, the pressure of conforming to what was expected was too much and so she pushed herself in another direction. But instead of taking control of that situation, she just fell back into her old ways and waited for Magneto to take control. Realizing that this would be an ongoing issue, she finally took some control and wants some time to herself.

Or something.

I'm just really happy this whole relationship is over for now.

Bring on the Rogue Shots:

This issue was centered around Rogue, so I just took the best few shots I could get and here they are -

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Rom Spaceknight #31

Issue: Rom Spaceknight Vol. 1 #31

Publishing Date: June 1982

Highlights: Rogue poses as criminal psychiatrist, Dr. Kellogg in order to free fellow members of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.

Synopsis: The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants are being transported to West Virginia during a snowstorm.  Rom stops the transport truck from running over convicts who have slipped while clearing the roadways and the transport truck lifts off and takes flight towards the prison. The convicts convince Rom that they are slaves and he frees them then takes off towards the prison himself. When Rom gets to the prison he realizes he has been fooled and tries to make up for his mistake by preventing the brotherhood from escaping. Rogue escapes with Mystique and Destiny in tow only to encounter an even more disturbing monster within a mansion they take shelter in.

Extra Info: Rogue alludes to growing up in a mansion down south. 

Contradictions: No

Powers Taken: None

Key Issue: Yes

Monday, September 24, 2012

Uncanny X-Men #158

Issue: The Uncanny X-Men Vol. 1 #158

Publishing Date: June 1982

Highlights: While in the Pentagon, the X-Men and Carol Davners run into Rogue and a battle ensues between them.

Synopsis: Within the Bermuda Triangle the X-Men and Lilandra of the Shi’ar Empire try to wake Professor Xavier from a coma. While watching a news report labeling the X-Men as outlaws, it is decided to send Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Carol Davners and Storm to the Pentagon in order to erase all files on the X-Men from the government databases. When making their way through the Pentagon, Carol randomly bumps into Rogue, the girl who erased all of Carol's memories and powers. Wolverine, Nightcrawler and Storm battle Rogue while Carol goes to erase the files only to be attacked by Mystique in the form of Nick Fury. Carol succeeds in beating Mystique and erasing the files while Rogue flees Wolverine, Storm and Nightcrawler.

Extra Info: Rogue somehow changed costume in an instant and not to her usual costume.

Contradictions: None

Powers Taken: Wolverine, Storm,

Key Issue: Yes

A Rogue Chronology Project

I have decided to chronicle my comic book collection.

There are a few reasons for this. The first and foremost reason being that it's a really good reason to reread my collection. Another reason is because my collection revolves around the Southern Belle herself, Rogue.

For years I have followed Rogue and starting late, I have followed the wonderful chronology found at Shrine to the Green Goddess. This site is amazing and has been around for as long as I have been reading comic books. Every time I have become frustrated with the storyline and stopped reading for a while just to be drawn back in, usually by some awesome Humberto Ramos art, I have gone to this list to catch myself up to the current storyline.

I have decided to do a couple of things differently though. I have found placements of flashbacks and memories and time lines somewhat confusing and although they make sense to add in to certain areas, I have opted out of this and my chronology is based on publishing date alone. This way I can read the comics as though I had been reading them since Rogue's first appearance in 1981 (some years before I was even born).

I am also including a (hopefully) daily post devoted to each issue that will include: the Issue Name, Publishing Date, a quick Rogue Highlight within the comic (if any), a Synopsis, any Extra Information, any Contradictions with previous information from previous comics, Powers Rogue has absorbed, and finally; whether or not the issue is considered a Key Issue.

Each comic on the Chronology page will be linked to the corresponding post.

I imagine this will take a while to get through, considering how long it took to date every comic in the chronology.

So I guess this is turning into a Chronology Project, which I know there are a few of out there, but I wanted something a little more in depth than just a list. Rogue's character in general really interests me and part of this is to chronicle her character and history, giving me a better understanding of her as a whole.

So let's see where this takes me, shall we?

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Avenger Annual #10

Issue: Avengers Annual Vol. 1 #10 

Publishing Date: 1981

Highlights: Rogue’s first appearance to comic books as a member of her foster mother’s newly formed Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.

Synopsis: In San Francisco, Spider Women saves a mysterious woman who is pushed off the Golden Gate Bridge. Reverted to an infant-like state, the woman is identified as Carol Davners and Spider Women calls in Professor Xavier to help fix Carol’s state of mind. Professor Xaiver identifies Carol’s attacker as a girl named Rogue and continues to fix Carol's mind which has been reduced to a blank slate. Meanwhile, Rogue takes the attack to the Avengers in New York, taking down Captain America, Thor, the Vision and Wonder Man all on her own. Spider Women joins in on the fight and Rogue flees. Mystique and Rogue use Rogue’s new powers to break the rest of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants out of prison, where the Avenger’s try to stop them, but Rogue and Mystique escape, leaving the Avengers to fight Blob, Pyro, Avalanche and Destiny, who quickly surrender. In New York, the Avengers reunite with Ms. Marvel only to have her throw their happy hellos back in their faces. The Avengers leave disheartened and return to Manhattan.

Extra info: Rogue is unable to absorb Wonder Man’s abilities.

Contradictions: N/A

Powers taken: Ms. Marvel (permanently), Captain America, Thor

Key issue: Yes

Saturday, September 22, 2012

An Offer to Leave Her Speechless...

I have to wonder if I am one of the only Rogue fans almost sick with anxiety over the new X-Men Legacy coming out next week. Probably not.

I get that it's just a comic and I get that the storyline is pretty much set in stone at this point. But I think it's kinda like watching a friend make a really bad choice and not being able to say anything about it.

I have been reading comics for 15 years now. I first fell in love with Rogue when I was 7 years old watching X-Men: The Animated Series. I'm from a small town with no comic book stores, so the first time I ever picked up a comic book I was 11 years old and at the corner store, looking to spend some hard earned bottle depot refunds on candy, when I came across Uncanny X-Men #341 -

Missing the television series, which by this time had been cancelled for a few months, I quickly flipped through the comic book in the store and saw this amazing artwork featuring Rogue and instead of loading up on candy that day, I bought my very first comic book. Ever since then I have been in love with the Rogue of the comic book world. Of course, at that point in time there was a strange love triangle set up involving Rogue, Joseph & Remy, but always I felt Rogue should be with Remy.

But it's not even that I'm a hardcore ROMY fan (which I most certainly am), it's just this connection Rogue seems to have with this older, slightly creepy, somewhat of a jerkwad man bothers me. I just plain don't like Magneto. It wasn't so bad when it was just Rogue with her little girl crush and he just ignored her, but now he's this old and angsty guy chasing after a girl the same age (maybe younger?) than his own daughter. Bleh >.<

I would rather see Rogue with Iceman or Cannonball or even Pyro (you know, if he wasn't dead). But with this "offer" that the previews are eluding to, I find myself thinking it could be the worse case scenario for a fan like me: a marriage proposal.

The reason for all the anxiety I think stems from the fact that I just got back into the story line after a year long hiatus and I seriously don't know if I could continue reading if this is the case and Rogue says yes. I dunno, maybe I'm just being too sensitive about the story line, I mean it's not like there hasn't been bad story lines and horrible character depictions before. And it's not like I haven't gotten through them before either. So maybe I'll get through this one as well.

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who feels this way about the strange relationships Rogue is involving herself in right now. I'm also pretty sure I won't be the only one going through old comic books to reread favorite story lines in order to get through the next few comic books until the Marvel Now! relaunch.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012