Known Aliases: Anna Raven, Dr Kellogg, Mutate #9602, Irene Adler, Miss Smith
Height: 5'8
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair: Auburn w/ white streak
Occupations: Adventurer, teacher, former - mechanic, waitress, terrorist
Citizenship: U.S.A.
Marital Status: Single
Relatives: Owen (father), Priscilla (mother), Carrie (aunt), Raven Darkholme aka Mystique (foster mother), Irene Adler (foster mother), Kurt Wagner aka Nightcrawler (foster brother), Graydon Creed (foster brother)
Group Affiliations: Uncanny Avengers, formerly X-Men, X-Treme X-Men, Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
Education: Partial law degree
Languages: English, French
First Appearance: Avenger Vol. 1 Annual #10 (1981)
Powers: Rogue absorbs memories, abilities, personality, and physical characteristics via skin to skin contact. Such absorption lasts for 60 times longer than the contact time, while extended contact may result in the possibility of permanent absorption. Some powerful beings have proved resistant, and absorbing psyches more powerful than her own can result in Rogue's psyche being supplanted. Her inability to control her powers has been proven to be psychological in nature and she has since gained full control over her powers.